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This module is experimental and may receive backwards incompatible changes without a corresponding semver bump.

Since optics-ts v2.2.0, there are two syntaxes for optics: method chaining and standalone optics. The interoperability API, documented here, defines a bridge between the two syntaxes, giving e.g. library authors the freedom to allow their users to use either syntax.

Everything below assumes the following import:

import * as I from 'optics-ts/interop

This module defines the following functions:

  • I.get :: (optic, value) => value
  • I.preview :: (optic, value) => value | undefined
  • I.collect :: (optic, value) => value[]
  • I.modify :: (optic, fn, value) => value
  • I.set :: (optic, fn, value) => value

The optic parameter for these function can be any of:

Otherwise the functions work exactly like the corresponding operations in either API.