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typera - Build type-safe web backends#

Typera helps you build backends in a type-safe manner by leveraging io-ts and some TypeScript type inference magic. It works with both Express and Koa.

When you see an any, you cannot really be sure anymore. When building web backends, there are quite a few anys involved:

  • You get a request in. Captured route params, query params from the URL and request body are all any.

  • When generating a response, the response body's type is any.

  • When middleware is involved, there's no type-level visibility to which transforms the middleware apply to the request, or which responses it might return.

  • The response status is a number. It's not as bad as any, but your routes always return responses from a known set of possible status code / body combinations.

By default, the compiler cannot help you with any (pun intended) of this. But with typera, you're safe!

Features of typera:

  • A purer approach to building your apps: Each route handler is an async function that takes a request and returns a response. Mutable req or res objects? Never again!

  • Automatically parses request inputs like route params, query params, headers and request body into typed values.

  • Infer the types of responses (status code, body, headers), allow type checking them according to your expectations.

  • Middleware are fully typed. This means that you no longer have to guess what's available in req, or whether a middleware short-circuits and returns a response. Instead, everything is type checked!

  • It's straightforward to start adding fully typed routes to an existing Express or Koa app. Old routes can be migrated gradually.

  • Built-in support for automatically generating an OpenAPI definition from your app with typera-openapi.

Typera is a really thin layer on top of Express or Koa. Most of its code is TypeScript typings, and the actual runtime stuff is minimal.

Getting started#

Typera requires TypeScript 4.1 or newer and Node 12 or newer.

Install for Express:

yarn add typera-express
# or
npm install typera-express

Install for Koa:

yarn add typera-koa
# or
npm install typera-koa


// Change 'typera-express' to 'typera-koa' if you're using Koa
import { Parser, Response, Route, URL, route } from 'typera-express'
import * as t from 'io-ts'

interface User {
  id: number
  name: string
  age: number

// Decodes an object { name: string, age: number }
const userBody = t.type({ name: t.string, age: t.number })

const updateUser: Route<
  // Optional annotation of possible response types
  Response.Ok<User> | Response.NotFound | Response.BadRequest<string>
> = route
  .put('/user/:id(int)') // Capture id from the path
  .use(Parser.body(userBody)) // Use the userBody decoder for the request body
  .handler(async (request) => {
    // This imaginary function takes the user id and data, and updates the
    // user in the database. If the user does not exist, it returns null.
    const user = await updateUserInDatabase(
      // The stuff inside `request` is fully typed!,

    if (user === null) {
      return Response.notFound()

    return Response.ok({
      age: user.age,

Got interested? Head to the tutorial.